you're my one and only ;)

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

menggedik bersama :D

heyy . hari tuu kan aku pegi rumaa faten , tngok baby arifirfan . haa , let me show you some picture that we took . tapi gmba arif tade lahh >.<

maizatul idzura & fatin najihah

kami kembar kan ? ;)

gigi kteorg tersergam indah :D

haha , yang nyy MEMANG BUROK -,-

friends are born , not made . and they are my friends ;)

fatinajihah tersayang 

konon hindustan lahh kan ? ^.^

yeah , i love this one ;) tibatiba rasa aku comel :D *okay gelabah kan ? >.<
this picture is officially credit to : khairul muazzam ♥